Analog algorithms – a Q&A with MuirMcNeil
In a brand new interview, Hamish Muir and Paul McNeil of studio MuirMcNeil discuss their approach to design and the thinking behind System Process Form, their remarkable new publication now funding on the Volume platform.

Universal Everything’s Lifeforms show opens
Universal Everything’s largest exhibition to date is now open at 180 Studios in London and features 14 of its digital, hyperreal lifeforms – a parade of “future humans, micro-organisms and plants”.

What I’m Reading: Matt Lamont
Matt Lamont, director at Out of Place Studio and creator of the Design Reviewed archive site, tells us about his reading habits and selects some favourites from his extensive book collection.

Reader Recommends: How To Be An Artist
Unit reader Nigel Ball tells us about one of his favourite art books: Bill Drummond’s enigmatic and highly entertaining How To Be An Artist from 2002.

What I’m Reading: Jesse Reed
Jesse Reed, designer and co-founder of studio Order and publishing imprint Standards Manual, tells us about his favourite art and design books – and what he’s currently reading.

Reader Recommends: Ladislav Sutnar
Unit reader Ana Bettencourt tells us about one of her favourite design books: a facsimile edition of Ladislav Sutnar: Visual Design in Action, a visionary text on the design of information originally published in 1961.

The design of Studio Culture Now: Julia interview
We talk to Julia studio’s Valerio Di Lucente about his approach to designing Studio Culture Now, from structure and typeface choices, to the influence of archiving and ensuring the emphasis was on the “workshop rather than the work”.

Ken Garland book — free to download
A reminder that our long sold-out 2012 monograph, Ken Garland: Structure and Substance, is still available to download for free as a PDF, in honour of Ken’s recently awarded LDF Lifetime Achievement Medal.

Studio Culture Now extract: Sara De Bondt
In this extract from Studio Culture Now, Sara De Bondt talks about her initial vision for the studio, how she approaches the administrative side to her business and her working process — plus how she balances creativity and profitability.

Typographics ti: magazine
Typographics ti: – the quarterly journal of the Japan Typography Association – turns 40 this year. To mark the occasion, we look at some of its striking covers from the early 1980s that we included in our Impact 2.0 book.