Throughout his long career, Lance has kept a daily record of his creative processes. These include working drawings for logos; detailed specifications for complex urban wayfinding systems; sketches for typefaces; notes to himself and records of conversations; details of his travel arrangements; colour swatches; photographic reference and other forms of printed ephemera.

More than sketchbooks, more than scrap books, they reveal the creative processes of a graphic master – they are The Lance Wyman Visual Diaries.
All the pages of Lance Wyman’s diaries have been photographed and made into a beautifully designed 872pp book. We are now ready to publish. The book will have the customary high-end design, editing and production values that Unit Editions brings to all its books.

This is where you come in. Your help will not only support the production of this book but will also help to bring the working methods and thought processes of an important designer to public attention.
We’ve assembled a stellar list of rewards, which we hope will inspire you to support this campaign. Lance Wyman is even offering a studio visit for five lucky supporters!